2020 on way out …2021 may be better, may not be.
i have not posted any new things because I didn’t want to deal with shipping in the current situation , but I have a lot of new paintings and will be painting more daily.
they are all of bob Dylan, don’t ask me why , that’s just the way it is, right now.
also, I hear some rumor about Paypal changing rules or things for sellers and I don’t know what that is all about. But I do now have and can use Venmo. You can call me if you have question nine oh one two six two six nine ate five.
if it all gets too complex I will just stack everything up , that I paint and have some yard sales or out of town weekend sales , if the COvid ever goes away.
Happy new year..
why was 6 afraid of 7…..?….because 7 ate 9.