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Motel Art Show

Lord help me…

I hate WordPress…. I despise it..

I will be doing the ole miss Motel Art Show the first week in October downtown Oxford Ms…I will have a whole lot of new paintings there…’s  one night only…. Check on their website for details or email me..


you may not hear from me again…this WordPress is the worst..!!,,,, the worst..I may be out there in the ozone.l..whenever my iPad make me run a new system update, all my shit blows up….

this time it may not come back on..

[email protected] is my email..

nine oh one 262-6985 is my phone.

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If you buy a painting using PayPal on my website

….please email me your shipping address..

for some reason, word press or PayPal have stopped sending me your address…like it’s not important…

I guess they just don’t care…

I may end up not using PayPal and just having you call me on the phone to buy something…I can take Venmo instead….it works…. Even though PayPal owns it….. go figure..!



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April 16 2024….help…


I have been painting a lot…. But people come and get it…

yesterday was Sunday.. I had some people over to buy stuff..

we were out in the driveway , when one of our finest Memphis citizens was in his car and he decided to

Drive over and shoot off

his machine gun….. im not making this up….it was so damn loud and was so many shots….the police

didn’t even come..eventually they said it was road rage…it was right in front of the church..!

if you are thinking of moving here..don’t….!!

my guests fled town in terror….! fast as possible….

if anyone can direct me to a place to rent in Arkansas up near

 Hardy or Mountain View or in some kind of little town, I would appreciate a heads up.

this place is like Haiti without the ocean.




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Adrift in my tiny lonely boat

I have no twitter…..nor X..

I have  no Facebook nor Meta.. whatever that is..

no Tik Toc..

I have eBay… and this website….

Im doing fine..

I don’t really care about your opinion on Israel or Gaza.

or who you vote for..

I want to beauty fi your home with art ….and get some money from you…just a modesT amount.

on Amazon Prime TV , i watched Harry Dean Stanton’s movie Lucky a whole lot of times..too many I guess…

It was  FREE…well…. I guess some bean counter at Amazon saw how many views the movie was getting so now….. they are charging money to watch it….bastards….!!

I guess it’s my fault..

Cockfighter with Harry Dean and and Warren Oates is still free but not for long… it’s headed for one of those channels that want you to enter a Trial….kiss my ass…

It’s a good movie too…. It’s in color….faded color but color nonetheless….…. You could call it an art film…but it’s not …it’s just a cool old low budget movie,…..a real  movie…no sex or killing in it… no helicopters…no Julia Roberts…

when I was a kid and hanging out in rural Mississippi , I saw a cockfight or two…. Also I saw a ‘coon on a

a log’ contest…that was interesting…

I sold my Amazon stock , I made good on it…and I will report back in awhile on my new investment….

have a great March,,.. the eclipse is coming..who cares,….

Now , they want to spend gazillions of our dollars now on colonizing mars…when anyone knows that the secondary radiation there will kill you in about 3 years….kill you dead….. and how will St Peter find you..?..huh..?


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Well..I’m back…it’s March….2024….. get it on..!

I hate web problems…..I’m back on now….just posted a new Jerry Garcia…

sometimes these snafus just make a person want to cry…

I hate daylight savings time….. what are  we…. . Farmers..?

im not and I doubt you are..

call your congressman or send him a message in prison ,requesting

a bill to stop daylight savings time..


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Bring back basic cable…..

I hate the internet…

soon you will have to pay a monthly fee to some quirky named web site to flush your toilet..!

kill the internet…while you can…

just give me a wire that you screw into a box next to your tv ,  then you screw the box into your tv…..that’s all we need..!

Did you watch Asteroid City…?…. I so , so muchly love Wes Anderson movies but  this one just escapes me….I guess it’s my advanced age….or I had a stroke and am unaware….the movie made me want a can of Fresca…is all I got out of it..

I’d rather be forced to watch Avatar..

This here is Aunt Lib… a real Mississippi midget…..she was a school teacher….she was some kin  to my grandmother….sister or cousin or something…. I was always terrified of her..she was really smart.

the button is just a funny thing I found..