i think i will be taking a sabbatical , which is the ego-maniac term for quitting work. i have several good paintings still for sale on this website but i may not be adding any more. but i never say never. i have some big mural type things to be done but they are all local..which is good…
i am contemplating having a big yard sale if the GOD DANG TEMPERATURE ever goes below 93 degrees… holy cow weather-jesus why do you hate us..?..havent we had enough for one summer…?
.. i read the Thomas Wolfe book last week. everybody said ‘read it before you die’..650 pages…wow….honestly, it was impressive if you like intense descriptions of various day to day scenes in small town southern life in 1900 but where nothing every really happens, except one child finally dies of the pneumonia after 550 pages and earlier one child had his head stepped on by a horse. …there is no plot to speak of, which i guess is his metaphor for real life having no plot but is still vastly interesting in it’s many jigsaw puzzle parts… i am glad i read it, but i wish now i had spent that week gambling, instead . i welcome you to call me small minded… i see how Cormac and Faulkner took a lot from his style..the guy could really use words like nobody’s business.
so yea, i may quit painting, for a while or till after christmas or forever. i never really have done that except when i went on some trips but now i don’t go anywhere and that suits me, its all i can do each day to tend to 3 little dogs who run my life like i am some kind of canine yard-boy.
i would drive you to the airport for 20 dollars if you live in Memphis , i could do that job well but you have to ride in a pickup truck.