I turned 70 , 3 weeks ago , I know i know…..almost immediately I slowed down 70 percent probably. I painted 3 things ,they were good ones, but in this past week or two normally I would have done 10 maybe….I’ve painted one thing this whole week.
A voice in my head tells me , ‘why do you need to make money, stupid..?,,,you’ll be dead in no time, slow down , be a sloth,,,buy that Rickenbacker you’ve wanted…”
i laugh at tv shows that aren’t even funny … ones that I used to not like…
i like movies about the Kennedy assasination and 9/11…. I like a conspiracy…
I know people wonder what the status is of their order that they placed with me, and I really appreciate each one, but I can not tell you the status of it,.. just can’t….I am playing guitar a lot and watching baseball. I am forgetful as hell now.
on a typical day I walk into the bathroom and see both sink faucets running and I have no idea when or why I turned them on…

.if you ordered something from me, . you might oughta drop me a reminder…several times..
here is my day…..if I have to go to the grocery store, which I really really dread, then all night before that I am dreading it , worrying if the Kroger stock boys had actually worked any that week, wondering how hot it will be, wondering if some hysterical old gal will back into me in the parking lot, all next day ,after I get up , I am dreading it, it hangs over me all day like a creepy vulture that resembles Ruth Bader Ginsberg , then i actually go and I cuss all the parking lot drivers, get in the checkout line that doesn’t move, then get caught like a lame moose in a school zone, damn these abominations..!!,,but finally then I get home and have fisticuffs with asswipes who think they can block my driveway waiting to pick up their child from school, because THEIR child is the new Jesus , not just a random collection of DNA strands like everybody else and then one day they are ‘totally shocked’ that ‘new Jesus’ was busted for selling LSD and Heroin ,,whew,,,,,,,and then I spend the day getting over the experience, wore slap dab out. Nap time…. Laugh at me now….your time is coming..
I have a lot of new paintings that I haven’t posted photos of…..you can buy one , if you come by….I’ve got a good variety , many nicely framed..they’re good ones , some big , some medium …
on top of all my other daily dilemmas , these three mooks run me ragged all day….

On the bright side……. the intense heat with no rain has killed most of the grass , I hate grass…….also due to the incessant hot sunshine , my Aloe Vera plant is the size of an oak tree and could heal burns on everyone within a 500 mile radius of Memphis…